Turkin Evankelinen Allianssi (TeK) on vedonnut eurooppalaisiin sisarjärjestöihinsä Turkin maanjäristyksen uhrien auttamiseksi. Tässä TeK:n viesti:
“Dear brothers and sisters,
We are all experiencing a deep shock after the disastrous earthquake. Although as yet we do not know the full extent of the loss and damage it is clear that we are facing a very serious and difficult situation.
Many churches and believers in the earthquake zone are working hard to help victims while at the same time struggling with their own difficulties and pain. Let us not neglect to support them with our prayers.
If brothers and sisters in neighbouring provinces would like to open their homes temporarily to house guests then they should speak to their own church leaders who can contact pastors and others working in the affected region… You can make donations to the bank account numbers listed below.
The funds collected will be used solely for the earthquake victims in the region and at the end of the period a report will be presented.
May the Lord have mercy on us all. May the Holy Spirit protect us and lead us.”
Euroopan Evankelinen Allianssi (EEA) kanavoi lahjoituksia TeK:n tueksi. Lahjoitetut varat ohjataan turkkilaiselle First Hope Association -järjestölle, joka tekee jo hätäaputyötä alueella (lue lisää EEA:n sivuilta).
Suomen Evankelisena Allianssina haluamme olla mukana seisomassa kärsivien rinnalla rukouksin ja lahjoituksin. Autathan kanssamme!
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Viite: “Turkey Relief”
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